Dora Pirate Adventure Give Back Our
Watch Dora the Explorer - Season 03 Episode 019 - Give Us Back Our Treasure Along with her friend Monkey Boots, Dora goes on adventures. Watch and download Dora the Explorer online for free on Cartoon8 at with high speed link.
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Dora Pirate Adventure Give Us Back Our Treasure Dailymotion
Benny the Bull found a magic wand and showed it to Dora and Boots. Benny thought of using the magic wand to do a magic trick by turning a rock into a potato, but the magic wand instead turned Benny into a Giant Potato by mistake. Dora found out that the owner of the magic wand is the Young Wizard, she thought of returning the magic wand to the Young Wizard and have him change Benny back to a bull. Dora and Boots takes Benny to see the Young Wizard by going through The Magic Garden, through The Golden Gate and to The Wizard's Castle.