Resident Evil 2 Free Online

Storyline: Alice awakens from a terrible sleep to find her worst fears realized--the bloodthirsty Undead, which she and the now-annihilated squad of elite military fought to destroy, have been unleashed on the city that surrounds the secret facility of the Umbrella Corporation. Discovering she was an Umbrella experiment, Alice has been bio-genetically enhanced with new strengths, senses. Play Resident Evil Gaiden online for free at playR. With playR you can save Resident Evil Gaiden online and compete with other players hiscores and play other classic video games online.
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Resident Evil 2 Free Online Game
Start Game Release year: 2000 Players: 1 player Developed by Capcom Resident Evil 2 (N64) Resident Evil 2 (AKA バイオハザード2 Baiohazādo Tsū in Japan) is an amazing survival horror video game developed and published by Capcom for the (and other systems) in 2000. This is the second installment in the Resident Evil series. In January 1998, Resident Evil 2 was originally released for the original Sony PlayStation (PSX) console – but it had a Nintendo 64 version available in year 2000. The game immediately received several ports (you can view all of them at the end of this page) and because of high demands, Capcom decided to completely remake the series.