The Last Airbender 2 Confirmed
Katara has a bit of a mixed following: some fans absolutely love her and think she’s fantastic, while others find her a bit too overbearing and dramatic. But I think that’s what makes her a good character, since she has some wonderful strengths and some believable flaws as well. Let’s not also forget just how powerful this girl actually is. She mastered waterbending within a year and was instrumental in taking down Azula, one of the most powerful firebenders in the series.
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Last Airbender Sequel
Say what you will about Katara, the girl has guts! I personally rather like Katara. She’s mature and wise beyond her years, she’s compassionate and caring, even to those considered her enemies, yet she’s not afraid to fight for what she feels is right. She proves to be a great source of strength to her friends, her people, and even the world. In general, she’s just an awesome, yet believable character. Whether you’re a huge fan of Katara or not, I’m sure there are some things you likely don’t know about her. So here are 20 surprising things you probably didn’t know about Katara, our favorite waterbender.