How To Open Computer Registry
Aug 29, 2012 - When a computer crashes and you have access to the old hard drive from your new computer, can you open the registry to recover data stored. 1) Open regedit 2) Click 'HKLM' (if HKLM is the area you need to investigate) to highlight it 3) Click 'File' 4) Click 'Load hive' 5) locate the file you have recovered from the DD image and the file should load within the HKLM tree in regedit for you to browse.
How To Open Registry Editor From Another Computer
If you’re in a small business environment, it can become really annoying if you have to walk out to each computer that you need to fix. Instead, if you can remotely connect and fix problems or adjust settings, it makes things a lot more convenient. Though it’s less common, there are times when you might need to connect to another computer to change, delete or add registry keys and values.
How To Open Your Computer Registry
Obviously, you could remote desktop into the computer and do this, but if you’re reading this article, you aren’t going that route. In this article, I’m going to talk about the remote registry service in Windows that allows you to connect directly to the registry hives on another computer using regedit. However, in order for this to work, there are several prerequisites. Remote Registry Requirements If you’re hoping to connect to a remote computer that you don’t have access to, then you’re out of luck. In order to use Remote Registry, you basically need administrator access to both computers. So, this is basically for convenience and can’t be used to hack into someone else’s registry. There are a couple of things that have to be in place before remote registry will even work: • The computer you are connecting to has to have a username and password.