Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe Ps3 Cheats
Dec 23, 2008 - Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe Special Moves List for all the PS3 MK Vs. DC Universe Characters including PS3 Cheats to unlock new.
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Mortal Kombat Dc Xbox 360 Cheats

Anonymous says: Mortal Kobat vs DC Universe I am a big fan of Mortal Kombat since I was a kid so of course when I got my Xbox I had to get this game.The game overall is easy to learn how to play, you can pretty much just start thumbing your controller anywhere and you will win. I did this when I first started playing it and worked just fine until I figured it out on my own. There is a cheat sheet in the menu when you push pause that will tell you how to do certain moves, I discovered that too late.2 player game. Anonymous says: Too complicated I have no problems with the graphics, They look fine. I am a bit disappointed by the small roster (16 I believe, 8 MK fighters and 8 DC fighters) of fighters and wish there were more to play as. The story is pretty solid, interesting, and works well to combine the 2 series together.The biggest and most deadly flaw of the game is the game play, It’s too complicated. To jump you have to press the D-pad instead of just flicking up on the thumb stick, Movement feels clunky and awkward.